Sacred Heart is a Catholic Church based in Hillsborough, Sheffield.
Safeguarding note: All children's liturgy leaders have been CRB checked.
The mass on a Sunday at 10.30am offers three children's liturgy groups:
Group 1: for children from birth to reception age. Parent's need to come with their children to this group. Activities usually include lighting the candle, teaching the sign of the cross, acclaimation songs, a simple gospel reading based on the reading for the current liturgical year and week, a discussion, an activity for the children to carry out and a sung prayer.
Group 2: for children aged reception/year one up to their first communion (usually around 8 years). Parent's are welcome to come and help at this group but this is not a requirement.
Activities usually include.....
Group 3: for children once they have received their first communion onwards. Parent's do not need to come with their children, but are welcome if they want to come and lend a hand.
Activities usually include an opening prayer, gospel acclamation, gospel reading by one of the children (or if the gospel reading is difficult another reading from the day), activity to help understanding of the gospel of the day. These activities can be craft based, puzzles, play acting, or a game. We close off with a closing prayer. We encourage these children to report back themselves in church.