
Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Hi all, i think it is all sounding good, well spotted Peta about start of new year.  I think the wreath is a great idea, but how big are we thinking?  It would be nice if it was big enough to be seen.  Will it be 3D? Or were you thinking 2D?? And where should it 'live' in church.  Perhaps the oldest group could make the candle and the younger groups do the leaves? Or each group in turn make a candle each week, but that only makes 3... Would a candle made from a sheet of A4 card rolled up be a good size?  Maybe we should have a candle for xmas day too, like on the wreath? So in the 4th week the older two groups make a candle?  I imagine that the candle and a couple of selected leaves could follow the offertory procession (with the children of course!) for them to read or have Fr read it for them.  Then we'll help them pin them onto the wreath?


1 comment:

  1. Dear Davina and Others in Children's Liturgy Groups,
    Thank you very much for listing Joan's Children's Liturgy blog in your useful websites. My website, has devotionals, crossword puzzles, wordsearch puzzles, skits, and other resources for children's liturgy. I hope you will check it out to see if it would help you.

    You have many useful websites listed.

    I like the way you have three children's liturgy age groups. This is awesome and actually reaches the needs of all children in your parish. Hurray for you. I know that God is very happy with Sacred Heart Children's Liturgy Group.

    Joan Y. Edwards
