
Sunday, 27 November 2011

1st Sunday of Advent

Well done everybody! This all worked very well. It looks as if the third group is getting used to reading something out to explain what has happened during their liturgy. It was also nice to see all the children come forward to put their hands on.
The final wreath with all the hands on looked great. I could not resist to go back at the end of mass to take a photograph of it. I am sharing it with all of you here.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Hi all, i think it is all sounding good, well spotted Peta about start of new year.  I think the wreath is a great idea, but how big are we thinking?  It would be nice if it was big enough to be seen.  Will it be 3D? Or were you thinking 2D?? And where should it 'live' in church.  Perhaps the oldest group could make the candle and the younger groups do the leaves? Or each group in turn make a candle each week, but that only makes 3... Would a candle made from a sheet of A4 card rolled up be a good size?  Maybe we should have a candle for xmas day too, like on the wreath? So in the 4th week the older two groups make a candle?  I imagine that the candle and a couple of selected leaves could follow the offertory procession (with the children of course!) for them to read or have Fr read it for them.  Then we'll help them pin them onto the wreath?

I am doing some prep for this Sunday and have just realised that this coming Sunday is the last in this cycle. We are moving to cycle B with the start of Advent so my understanding is that the themes this year are (and correct me if I am wrong):
27 November: Be prepared for when Jesus comes.
4 December: Get ready for the Lord our Shepherd
11 December: Jesus is the Light of the world
18 December: Mary expects Jesus, the Light of the world.

Not that different I know. Cafod is setting out a theme  of "hope" this year.

It could be an idea to use the following to add to the advent wreath each week:

 Advent 1:  hand of God who is at work in the world
Advent 2:  alpha-omega ornaments or a shepherd crook cross
      Advent 4:  Rose for Mary ornament
Advent 3:  stars for joy – maybe, but probably need to save for epiphany

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Another Advent Idea

Another idea for Advent:
I was thinking of a way of involving all groups in a joint project whilst not 'prescribing' what each group does - the requirements of Group 1 are very different from Group 3!
I thought perhaps we could 'make' a wreath.  I could get some green paper and make a 'provisional' wreath.  Then if I let each group have a pile of 'leaves' - they could add to the wreath each week.  In addition to this, a candle could be added, letting the church know what the focus was in Children's liturgy that week.  From what I can tell - this year the focus for each week of Advent is as follows: (please correct me if I'm wrong!)
Week 1 (27th Nov) - Making time for Jesus - Be ready, be on the watch
Week 2 (4th Dec) - Repent (and change) - Prepare the way
Week 3 (11th Dec) - Be happy - Jesus is coming
Week 4 (18th Dec) - Love
My thinking was that, each group - whatever they are doing, would also be able to 'fill in' at least 1 leaf.  Then when the children come back into church, those chosen could go up to the front and pin their leaves onto the wreath, which would be up at the front of church on a board.  We could also have 1 child - from either group 2 or 3, reading out the message on the candle - and then pin that to the wreath too.
Let me know what you think!

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Advent and preparations

Looking forward to advent. Like the suggestions about a slight change to input children will have. Children usually have loads of good ideas as well. Advent calendars are a lovely idea. Have discussed musical aspects with some co-liturgists and will be great to have some input from budding musicians within the childrens groups. Silent night being a popular choice.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Preparing for Advent

I'm preparing for Sunday Group 2 and am grateful for the "Sadlier" recommendation. TY Blog.

Thinking about Advent, I wondered about the Children's Liturgy groups producing an Advent calendar - or maybe one for each group - to build up during Advent - one candle week 1, two week 2 etc. - each accompanied by a thought for each day of that week.  Or whatever ideas people have got.  Children could collect the calendar from the altar each week to take down to Children's Liturgy and bring it back with that week's additional candle and thoughts.  What do you think?

with fingers crossed that this will find its way onto the blog!

Monday, 31 October 2011

Small success yesterday. Had roughly 36 children in the combined group 2 & 3, but managed to get most of them to follow the board we made to the front of church. They handed the board to father Shaun and then went back to their parents. Not all children did this, but most did.
Will work on getting group 3 to report back themselves in future.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Wow, great idea Dawn! This is the first time i have ever blogged on anything!  Yes i would be available for a chat re group 2, having done two now i am getting a feel for it.  The kids are much more interactive, and i think they appreciated doing a bit of singing and colouring too!

Sadlier we believe

Added another useful site that I use for the older children. There is lots to explore on this site, but it does have some interesting resources. The gospel related questions and activities I find often useful in preparing. Best way to get to the free resources is by going to the bottom and going to this weeks questions.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Nativity Idea

We're hoping to alter the Christmas Eve nativity, just a little, this year.  This is so that we can include some time for reflection about the real meaning of Christmas, whilst still enjoying our beautiful nativity.

Meeting 16/10/2011

A successful meeting today was held after mass.
Items on the Agenda included:
  • how to increase the children's participation in the main mass 
  • planning for advent
  • thanking leaders who are now leaving the group and welcoming our new leaders
  • planning for the Christmas Eve Nativity
Minutes may follow.